We hear You, We're here with You.

We provide developmental daytime supervision of Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers!
CALL US NOW (402) 551-8816

Kiddie Kampus Daycare has developed this handbook to help answer any questions that you may have about our child care. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to talk with the Director.

We encourage parents and guardians to be involved and visit often by joining us for field trips, or sharing your skills and talents with us. We are always readily available for any questions or concerns you may have. Please note that teachers and caregivers must attend to the children at all times and may not take time out of their day to carry on extensive conversations and visit. Please put your cell phones away when you are picking up your child so that your child’s teacher may express daily activities and/or any concerns with your child.

Security: The center is equipped with an operating camera in every room and the outer perimeter, a security door with a key lock entry, and online access for parents to view their child throughout the day.

Pickup Policy: You are required to sign your child in and out upon arrival and departure each day. It is our policy to not release a child to a person who is not a parent or legal guardian without having prior permission from the parent or guardian. Permission should be communicated, either verbally or in writing, to the director. The person will be asked to provide identification when picking up the child.

Severe Weather, Disasters, and Fire Drills: We have plans in place for both fire and weather/disaster evacuation. Fire drills are held monthly and tornado drills are completed a minimum of four times per year during the months of March through September. Should an emergency evacuation occur, you will be notified as soon as possible. If it is necessary for the Center to be closed due to severe weather, it will be announced, online or television stations “KETV” and “KMTV”.

Immunizations: In compliance with state law, your child’s current medical and immunization records must be submitted to the Center prior to enrollment. It is important that your physician and hospital of choice be listed with the Center.The Center for Disease Control has released a set of guidelines for vaccinating young children. We follow state guidelines regarding immunizations and always recommend that families consult with their own healthcare provider about medical matters such as immunizations. A copy of your child’s age-appropriate immunizations must be provided to the office, updated when necessary, and will be kept on file in the office in a secure location.

Medicine: We realize that there are times when your child may need medication during the day. With children’s health and safety in mind, our staff will only administer only dated, labeled, and prescribed medicines if the medicine log for your child’s classroom is filled out. Medication must be in original packaging with non-expired dates. Please do not store in backpacks or diaper bags. All medication must be turned over to the staff member on duty to ensure it is placed in a secure and locked container.

Hygiene: We ask parents to ensure their children are bathed, wearing clean clothes, and freshly diapered prior to drop off at the Center each day.

Illness Policy/Exclusion of Ill Children: If a child is ill (ex. Fever, infection, diarrhea, communicable disease, or any other type of illness that may be passed onto others), it is important for the health of the children present as well as the staff, that your child is kept home. It is important to note, if any of these symptoms occur while your child is in attendance at Kiddie Kampus Day Care Inc., you will be notified immediately and required to pick up your child. Your child may return to the center 24 hours after the symptoms have occurred or with a doctor’s note stating that your child is no longer contagious and may return to a child care setting.

Illness Policy for Staff Members: If a staff member is ill (ex. Fever, infection, diarrhea, communicable disease, or any type of illness that may be passed onto others), it is important for the health of the staff members present as well as the children in their care, that the staff member stay home. It is not a requirement that staff members be vaccinated, however when program is offered, the staff members will be provided with flu shots and DTP vaccinations annually.

Rest Period: Your child’s day is filled with many exciting active learning experiences. A rest period is scheduled each day to balance the active times. Federally approved playpens are provided for infants from 6 weeks of age to 18 months of age. To prevent injury, infants under the age of 12 months are required to sleep on their backs. Mats are provided for children 18 months and older. We ask that your child is dropped off at times outside of the scheduled nap time.

Outdoor Play: Fresh air and exercise are important to a child’s good health. During inclement weather, too hot or too cold days, we plan indoor activities. Please be sure your child has appropriate clothing for all types of weather. Please be sure your child wears tennis shoes so they are prepared for all activities. If your child is unable to participate in outdoor player, please discuss the situation with the Director.

Personal Belongings: We discourage children from bringing toys and “treasures” from home because of the potential for loss or damage. Suitable items for “Show and Tell” must be labeled and taken home at the end of the day. We are not responsible for lost or damaged items.

Required Supplies:
Infants: Formula and/or breastmilk, diapers, wipes, 2 clean bottles for feedings, pacifier, and change of clothing
Toddlers: Diapers, pull-ups, wipes, extra underwear, extra clothing, blanket for nap time.
Preschool: Extra change of clothing, blanket for nap time.

Behavior Management: We recognize that positive discipline teaches and encourages the healthy development of a child’s self-esteem. We do not allow the use of corporal or physical punishment by caregivers. Instead, caregivers employ positive discipline techniques which include praising and calling attention to appropriate behavior and acting as good role models in order to influence and reinforce a child positively. We set limits that are developmentally appropriate and consistently enforced. The method of behavior management used as a last resort is called “cool down” (a time out). This method offers a child a few moments to think about his or her actions before rejoining group activities. “Cool Down” fits into our goal of discipline, which is helping the child gain self-control through learning appropriate behavior. Should you have specific concerns regarding behavior management, we urge you to discuss them with the Director.
Parents Grievment, Questions, and Concerns: Should a parent have any questions or concerns, please know that our staff is readily available for any questions or concerns you may have. You may also contact the Director, Stacy, during operating hours, by phone at (402) 551-8816, by email at KiddieKampusDaycare@cox.net, or after hours at (402) 968-9707. The owner’s information will be made available upon request. You may also contact the Nebraska Child Care Licensing with any questions or concerns at (800) 600-1289.

Basic Rates and Payment Policies: Weekly tuition is due on the first day of attendance each week. Unpaid fees may be subject to a late penalty and/or suspension or termination of child care, unless prior arrangements have been agreed upon. Weekly fees include all sick days and statutory holidays. Fees are based on booked days and not attendance. Refunds and credits will not be given for days where your child does not attend. After 60 days from your child’s start date, you are permitted 1 week of vacation. There will be no charge for the week of vacation that your child is not in child care.

Overtime Rates: Overtime will be considered as a drop-off before 6:00 AM and/or a pick-up after 6:00 PM. The parent/guardian will be charged $10.00 per every 5 minutes of accrued overtime. This charge will be assessed on the following week’s invoice.

Returned Checks: A fee of $40.00 will be charged for all returned checks.